About Me

Not Just a Scientist
As a child, athletics played an important part in my life. Having natural athletic ability, physical strength and speed, I was invited to attend a sports-centric school, but—because of my love of nature and desire to travel—later chose to pursue studies in science instead.

My physical strength and education did indeed contribute to my being organized, responsible, and determined in overcoming the challenges I encountered during my academic study, and continue to do so in my professional and personal life. To this day, I enjoy sporting events of all types, traveling and visiting “the natural world” away from the office and lab.
My Curriculum Vitae
My scientific work and interests have been focused on the synthesis and characterization of magnetic materials. These materials represent a great potential for revolutionary developments in science and technology, but require a deep understanding, and precise manipulation and control, of emergent properties such as frictional forces between elementary particles, and material elasticity and tensile strength. Such properties are present to a limited extent in semiconductor materials.
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